Feliks Thielemann & Mathias Schwarz
That’s Super Flu!!!
Welcome to a world where crispy baked bass drums give the keynote, where Momratzn twitch to tweaking hi-hats and speech bubbles wave engaging basses to you!
Do you falter on making a tough decision?
Super Flu recommend you garlic bread rolls and 6-minute-boiled eggs!?Is your equipment rubbish? Trust your intuition, tickle the max out of the old stuff and squeeze inspiration out of everything you can lay your hands on!?Are you lacking ideas? Take your cockatoo’s advice! Go on vacation and have some beer. Try, (you know, doing something you’d never do otherwise). Listen to Jazz. Tinker whatever comes to your mind using funny snack bar names, exotic instruments and kid’s toys.?
Now with your best mate and at least one mutual favourite bakery, lots of Herzblut and a greatTraum behind, nothing can harm you anymore…!
Boom crash donk tzz and once again another Swedish DJ duo were born.
The complete opposites Robin Vadström (briqs) and Oscar Virtanen (OLAVI) fell in music and a lot has happened since the first AI learned the art of mastering.
When music comes out on one end and happy glob on the other it’s hard to keep your legs in a choke-hold. By the end of the end of the afters you will have sore feet. The Dancing on Lego productions are more often than not – not inspired by the great noor by the coolest. Most music will never meet the public ear but Dancing on Lego will pursue the perfect beat.